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조국현 (abstract painting)

조국현 / Harmony between the two / 60.6 x 72.7cm / mixed media on canvas / 2020

조국현 / Harmony between the two / 60.6 x 72.7cm / mixed media on canvas / 2020





Artist / 조국현 / CHO, Guk-hyun / 趙國鉉

Title / 둘 사이의 조화 / Harmony between the two

Size / 60.6 x 72.7cm

Material / mixed media on canvas

Creation Date / 2020




#조국현 #조국현작가 #조국현화가 #조국현작품 #조국현전시 #조국현그림 #화가조국현 #추상 #추상미술 #추상화가 #추상그림 #추상이미지 #한국추상 #대한민국추상 #하모니 #조화 ##혼합재료 #현대미술 #chogukhyun #abstract #abstractArt #abstractPainting #abstractPaint #art #artist #contemporary #modern #ContemporaryArt #ModernArt #AbstractImage #abstractImage #mixedmedia #화가 #작가 #아트 #아티스트 #KoreaArt #KoreanArt #KoreaArtist #KoreanArtist #harmony #between #two